Sunday, May 04, 2014

I've moved my blog

I've moved my blood to my website.

Please visit to see what is happening now.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Easter Seals Photo Exhibit

The invitations are in the mail to the the exhibit opening October 26.  I've known for a few weeks, but couldn't tell you - my portraits from the Photo Journalism class were chosen for the lead/invite for the exhibit!  I'm so excited!

This exhibit partners COD with Easter Seals - student photographers are assigned a child who receives services from Easter Seals.  We meet with the family, get to know the child and capture photographs that reveal the story and the accomplishments of these special children.  For the class, we do a photo documentary story with captions and a slide show with audio that tells the story.  All photographs are juried and one from each student is chosen for a 24x30 canvas print to be on display at Easter Seals.  In addition, one photo is chosen as the lead for the invitation - for this year, the photo I took.

The exhibit opening on October 26 at 6:00 PM is attended by the families, the staff, the photographers, friends and more.  During the year, Easter Seals is able to use all the photos that were submitted for publicity, giving photo credit.  It is a WIN-WIN for all of us.

Here is the invite that just got mailed:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Montrose Harbor, Chicago

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Photo Restoration :: Relationship Restoration

The Lord is using my skills as a photo restorer to speak to me about relationships. This is an 'in-process' teaching, but I need to record some of what I am hearing.

Some of the tools of a photo restorer are:
  • healing brush -- to make a scratch or spot blend in to its surroundings
  • clone stamp -- to duplicate an area of a photo to another spot
  • mask -- to keep some part of a photo from being visible
  • fill -- to fill a selected area with a certain color or texture
  • lasso -- to surround an area of interest to make a selection
I find myself, especially after a few days of work, looking at the world around me as if I could 'restore' it. I see a scratch on a wall and think how great it would be to use the healing brush to make it blend into the surrounding paint. I see a patch of carpeting that is worn and think about how easy it would be to just 'clone' the good part of carpet over the worn part. Doing these things to a computer file are one thing, but I know that no such tools exist to do the repairs to physical objects.

Yet, I find myself thinking how great it would be to use a healing brush to repair hurt feelings, or a clone stamp to copy a good part of a relationship to a messy part of a relationship. This is where I get on shaky ground.

The Lord has been showing me that I think in these terms for relationships, and that it is dangerous to make such restorations sound "easy" when they are really very complex. Not only that, but it makes me think I can control the whole situation by myself. Very self-centered!

In reality, it "takes two" to restore a broken or hurt relationship. And I can't control the other person. My way of thinking, making it easy, making it only my job -- sets me up for failure.

...By using masks, we can hide a part of ourselves from others. Sometimes this is necesary, like at work. But we have the tendancy to also mask our feelings from others. On top of that, we assign our own motivations to the masks others wear. Now we have misunderstanding.

...Sometimes I want to "lasso" a part of the life of a loved one and just "fill" it with my understanding or values. Doesn't work, but I keep on doing just that.

One part if this current teaching is the full knowledge that God does have the ability to "heal" our hurts and restore relationships. He doesn't do it the same way we have designed software to do it. NO, He uses His Spirit to touch our hearts and draw us into Himself to see for ourselves what needs to be changed in us. This can cause us to run away from His Holiness, but if we persevere and ask HIm for help, He will change our hearts and heal our wounds.

I know there is more on this topic, but that is all I have for right now!

Monday, August 28, 2006

The repaired photo of Nancy & Me

This is the repaired image of Nancy & Me in our new red wagon. It is better, though I have learned much about repairing photos since I did this first one. The class assignment also required me to "colorize" a photo. Now don't laugh -- it is a pretty simple job!

Thoughts on photo restoration and life

This is the first photo I ever restored a Digital Photography class. [Click on it to see a larger version.] Learning Photoshop is a complicated process. I tried to restore a photo of me and my sister Nancy taken when we were very young, in a brand new red wagon. This is the damaged photo -- I am on the left.

I worked on restoring this photo a couple of years after Nancy died. Restoring it was an act of love and remembrance. As I repaired the lines and scratches on this old Polaroid black and white, I felt a peace and calm, as if my soul was being healed in this act of love.

Losing a sister is hard. Knowing she is with her Lord helps ease the pain. Repairing this photo allowed me to open my heart to be repaired as well. I'll post the repaired photo on the next blog.